Bones to Ashes 9781847822000 Books

Bones to Ashes 9781847822000 Books
I got the audiobook version of this novel, and it's the 3rd Kathy Reichs audiobook I've listened to. I've enjoyed them all, there is a good amount of suspense, some interesting science tidbits about bones and the human body. But the stories are pretty unoriginal and straightforward. In the case of Bones to Ashes, the story reminds me a lot of the movie 8mm. One positive of this audiobook is that unlike the first two I've listened to, the reader does a nice job. She does a nice job of giving each character a recognizable and distinctive voice, which makes the experience much more compelling. I recommend the book, I think most people will probably enjoy it. But it's nothing earth-shattering.
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Bones to Ashes 9781847822000 Books Reviews
I have read her entire Temperance Brennan series and love that they are a fairly quick read as I do not have a lot of spare time. I can get through a book and not have to worry about having to sit it down for a few weeks and not remembering what all happened. Each book left me ready to read the next as this last one did...I cant wait for her to have a new book come out in this series....
Kathy Reichs's books are always educational. She's a REAL forensic anthropologist and knows her stuff. She manages to keep the mystery really going in this tome and I found myself not wanting to lay it down. One warning if you are a fan of the TV show Bones, THIS Temperance Brennan is a very different character from the one on TV. Her personality is different, her circumstances are different, her workplace and her friends are completely different. I wish the TV producers would have chosen a different name for their character, but if you can lay aside your expectations, you will love this Brennan as much as the one on TV.
I had the opportunity to buy the series of Kathy Reichs' books all at one shot, and, since I have the full series, it made sense for me to read them in order. I just finished her tenth book, Bones to Ashes. Dr. Tempe Brennan, Reichs' main character, assists her lover, Ryan, in investigating a series of missing teenagers. The case brings back memories of one of Tempe's childhood friends that disappeared when they were teenagers and she decides to figure out what happened to her. Bones to Ashes starts out very slow in my opinion but eventually picks up. I was surprised by the unexpected twists in Tempe's love life. Also, too many of Reichs' books ended with Tempe coming face-to-face with an attacker and being miraculously rescued...this ending was a nice change.
The Temperance Brennan books by Kathy Reichs - which led to the series Bones - are a great mix of real science, fun fiction, characters you like (and a few you don't) and looks at two geographical regions. I'm buying them all for kindle as I can so I can reread the series, as I find them all enjoyable and worth an occasional reread. Some of my favorites!
As always, Kathy Reichs creates memorable characters, and a complex plot with many twists and turns to keep you involved and entertained, not to mention her extremely humorous analogies and turn of phrase that justas me laughing out loud! She also always amazes me with her extensive knowledge, so I always learn something new from reading her novels!
I look forward to each new novel, as I know I will have an enjoyable read, and developing the ability to try to stop reading at the end of each Chapter, as she always leaves you "hanging", and just wanting to read one more paragraph once I start reading, and fid it hard t stop!
Dr. Charles T Krebs, Cambridge, MA
This was only the second or third Kathy Reichs novel I've read, with years in-between, so I can't really say how this one stands up against her other writing. Also I'm reading them out of order, but I had no trouble following the ongoing relationships arcs. The twists and turns of the plot kept me hooked on the story but were not too crazy to be believable.
I read my first Kathy Reichs novel back before the "Bones" series appeared on TV. I love the show, too, but fans of the show need to understand that the show is nothing like the book series--it took me several years to link the show with that first book in my mind. None of the show's characters are based on the book characters, and even Brennan is a different personality. But if you love a good mystery with a strong backbone of science and police procedures, this series is for you.
This book was a really enjoyable vacation read. I have seen the show but never read another book in this series. it stands alone well. You will be surprised by the differences in the personalities of the characters but they didn't bother me. It was a much more detailed book than I expected. Instead of a 45 minute / 1 hour tv episode wherein the team solves one murder, this was much more realistic. Several cases of varying urgency are introduced, giving the reader a better mental workout to keep track of which body is which and what storyline you're in. I really liked it and will read more of these if they are on sale in the kindle-store again, but I'm not running out to the library or bookstore immediately for them. Romance was not the focus of this book, which was a cool change.
I loved the plot in this book. As usual Tempe is always getting herself in trouble. She ends up hurt and then someone comes to the Rescue. I love that her books take place also in Canada. I live in Canada and wish more Authors would write about things in Canada as Kathy has. I was unable to put this book down. It just kept me captivated the whole time.
I got the audiobook version of this novel, and it's the 3rd Kathy Reichs audiobook I've listened to. I've enjoyed them all, there is a good amount of suspense, some interesting science tidbits about bones and the human body. But the stories are pretty unoriginal and straightforward. In the case of Bones to Ashes, the story reminds me a lot of the movie 8mm. One positive of this audiobook is that unlike the first two I've listened to, the reader does a nice job. She does a nice job of giving each character a recognizable and distinctive voice, which makes the experience much more compelling. I recommend the book, I think most people will probably enjoy it. But it's nothing earth-shattering.

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