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Daughter of Smoke Bone eBook Laini Taylor

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Daughter of Smoke Bone eBook Laini Taylor

What a beautiful, dark, and an engaging story. Laini Taylor was written an outstanding, and truly fascinating book! I can honestly say there is not another book like it. This is an awesome, completely unique, and incredibly intriguing story line. The writing is incredible, the world building is fantastic and well developed and the chemistry with the love interests is sensual and beautiful, and I couldn't get enough of it. I loved the well developed lore and forbidden romance that is the heart of this story.

I'm so glad I didn't go in reading this book with any expectations, because those would have been blown away. There's something about the way Laini wrote this story that captivated me. I'm not sure if I was more drawn to the beautifully detailed settings, the well developed history that makes up the story, the romance or variety of in-depth paranormal characters that are apart of the story. Combined together, all these things made for an incredible (I apologize now, as I will more than likely use incredible one too many times while talking about this book), beautiful story that is really unlike any other paranormal book I've ever read. I'll admit, the beginning was a little confusing, and despite wanting to rush ahead to find out what happens, I'm glad I didn't, because everything gets explained through out the course of the book.

Karou, the blue haired main character is fabulous! I loved her from the moment she wished a certain "itch" would happen to her ex-boyfriend. I laughed a little too hard when I read this and when you read this scene you'll know what I'm talking about. I wanted to high 5 her. She's an artist living in Prague, and she does some collecting of "things" for a character named Brimstone. She has the ability to go through portals, is fluent in many languages and has this mystery about her that kept me invested into her story. She's part of two worlds, the human world and a world were chimaera's exist, she doesn't know much about herself, or her special powers.

It's not until Akiva, the angel/warrior enters Karou's life do my questions start to get answered. These two have a sizzling, sensual relationship that was fabulously written. Let's just say the way they go from being enemies and wanting to kill each other, to feeling drawn to each other and then falling for each other flowed beautifully into Karou's story. One of the things I loved about this forbidden romance was the chemistry. It's not about the kissy scenes that made this chemistry so hot. It was the way they move around each other- it's their nearness to each other, the gentle touches, and the way their feelings were described that made it sizzling. Just as things heat up Laini throws some unexpected twists into the story that explains why they feel the way they do, among a few other things.

Laini Taylor is an amazing story teller! The way she describes everything and the way she writes this story is just stunning to me. One of my favorite lines from the book: "Hope is the real magic, child." The romance is only part of this incredible story. There's an entirely fascinating world that Laini's created that hooked me from the moment I started this book. There's so much to this story and this world that I couldn't even start to describe how incredible (sorry I said it again) it is. This is a book I highly recommend picking up. You really have to experience this story for yourself.

I would really recommend this to older YA readers. It's a book I'd classify as a beautiful YA/Adult cross over. There's nothing that I'd give a warning to other than the fact there a lot of darker undertones in the story and the style it's written in, is for mature or older readers. Sequel? YES PLEASE!! I'm definitely looking forward to jumping back into this world when the second book is out.

Read Daughter of Smoke  Bone eBook Laini Taylor

Tags : Daughter of Smoke & Bone eBook: Laini Taylor: Kindle Store,ebook,Laini Taylor,Daughter of Smoke & Bone,Little, Brown Books for Young Readers,Action & Adventure - General,Fairy Tales & Folklore - General,Fantasy - General,Angels,Angels; Students; Paranormal abilities; Mysteries; Secrets; Love; Romantics; chimera; for fans of Leigh Bardugo; best fantasies for teens; best fantasies for adults; romeo and juliet; books about star crossed lovers; Laini Taylor; Strange the Dreamer; Best selling author; books about angels and devils; books for 15 year olds; books for 16 year olds;,Angels; Students; Paranormal abilities; Mysteries; Secrets; Love; Romantics; chimera; for fans of Leigh Bardugo; best fantasies for teens; best fantasies for adults; romeo and juliet; books about star crossed lovers; Laini Taylor; Strange the Dreamer; Best selling author; books about angels and devils; books for 15 year olds; books for 16 year olds,Artists,Boarding schools,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Chimera (Greek mythology),Chimera (Greek mythology);Fiction.,Czech Republic,Demonology,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Mythology, Greek,Mythology, Greek;Fiction.,Paranormal,Paranormal fiction,Prague (Czech Republic),Schools,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Epic,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Monsters,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION People & Places Europe,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult FictionFairy Tales & Folklore - General,Young Adult FictionFantasy - Epic,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionMonsters,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult FictionPeople & Places - Europe,Young Adult FictionRomance - Paranormal,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Epic,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Monsters,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION People & Places Europe,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult FictionFairy Tales & Folklore - General,Young Adult FictionFantasy - Epic,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionMonsters,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult FictionPeople & Places - Europe,Young Adult FictionRomance - Paranormal,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)

Daughter of Smoke Bone eBook Laini Taylor Reviews

This is really more along the lines of four and a half stars, but five works just as well.

Ahh. 2011. What a crappy time to be an adult reading young adult literature.

Like many, I suspect, I had been burned by the young adult genre, and burned badly. I bought books in series where the plot was stretched thin to accommodate the obligatory three other books in the quartet (all hoping for a film franchise because, come on). I read books where the unbelievably plain girl (who everyone else thinks is amazingly gorgeous) ends up with the male co-lead who treated her like dirt for a quarter of the book. I read books that found ridiculous, convoluted reasons for the couple to not get together, so that I had to keep reading in “hopes” that they did. I rolled my eyes at the number of Duckie, best-friend-who-passive-aggresively-wants-to-be-more-and-glowers-about-it-while-insisting-he’s-a-nice-guy’s. Books with love triangles for no reason other than to give readers something to argue over.
A lot of these books, I was sort of asking for it from. Some of them, I really wasn’t. Most of them went back and I continued my search. I wanted to find ones I honestly liked, but I was losing faith and getting burnt out.

It was dark, dark times, friends.

I knew about Daughter of Smoke and Bone when it first was published. I avoided it like the plague. Nay. I avoided it like the young adult supernatural romance genre because that was more terrifying than bubonic. At least, it had spread like bubonic and made me feel dirty to come into contact with it. I didn’t read the series until 2013 when I borrowed it from the public library. Ha! Disappoint me if you will, at least I would be disappointed for free.

I was not disappointed.

I wish I had read Daughter of Smoke and Bone earlier. It’s pretty much exactly what I was combing through endless clones for. It had plot and character, length without filler, a prose I could actually love, and something I’d found oddly missing from the fantasy genre worldbuilding.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone is equal parts teen romance and Jim Henson. And I mean dark Jim Henson, circa Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. The fantasy elements of the book are so dark but so grounded and easy to except. There was no suspension of disbelief because Laini Taylor makes the world live and breathe and bleed. You know that wide-eyed look most of us had with Diagon Alley in the first Harry Potter book? That’s the one.

Best of all, it’s one of those young adult entries that earns the title young adult. Karou’s quest for identity, love, and family and truth feels personal, and I can care about it because it’s so humanized. Karous herself is likeable because she stands out as a heroine. Her insecurities feel real without the need to make her sound self-loathing, which is a real plus in a genre with female leads who must find themselves ugly and stupid and boring so as to appear humble. Because you can only earn your unbelievably, enviously hot boyfriend if you don’t like yourself too much. I mean, how else can you devout all your time to him? How else can he rebuild your self-esteem?

I’m getting off point.

There is a romance in the book, but it’s more on the back burner because Karou first and foremost is concerned for her family of monsters, most concerned with finding out who she is, and most concerned with staying alive. Akiva’s arrival is at best a catalyst at this point, not the sum total of Karou’s concerns. There isn’t much to him yet, and that might be a problem for some readers. For me, I was braced to wait until the next book to pass judgment. Series, I usually rationalize, are one big story. If the payoff is there, I can wait. As long as my goodwill is not squandered. Besides, Karou is who I cared about here.

If I had to point to any detractors, I think others have pointed out the latter half of the book contains a reveal that is less of a twist and more an ‘of course’. I won’t outright call it a cliché, but I spent a good chunk of the book hoping that wasn’t the twist, just so that it would be something else. It isn’t disappointing, per se, I had just wanted the book to aspire to be a little different. It’s a small nit to pick, but there it is.
You could also find fault with the fact that Akiva almost falls in line with the other hostile male leads that inexplicably fall in love with the heroine after attempting to harm them in some way. For me, context mattered, and context was there later in the series. I can see it being an issue for others, it just wasn’t for me (it also mattered that he outright showed remorse. He didn’t shrug his shoulders and expect Karou to get over it. So point to him). She also doesn’t handwave his attack. There is introspection and not just, I’m not fussed about it, let’s just move on.
Lastly, I can see putting an age on the book of fifteen or sixteen and up because of references to sex that aren’t exactly oblique. For some that could be a deal breaker. Others will find it refreshing teenage girls do talk about sex. They have their hearts broken. They get suckered in by emotional conartists. In my eyes, the more fantastic the story, the more grounded the human experience needs to be. Karou has a hell of a story in front of her, but she also has very human, believable experiences that have formed her. it’s what makes reading about a schoolgirl having adventures work she’s recognizable.

And for what it’s worth, the next book in the series might be even better. This is my favorite for reasons I can’t get into, but I can say that the next book does not fall into that trap of filler middle book syndrome so many series suffer from.
What a beautiful, dark, and an engaging story. Laini Taylor was written an outstanding, and truly fascinating book! I can honestly say there is not another book like it. This is an awesome, completely unique, and incredibly intriguing story line. The writing is incredible, the world building is fantastic and well developed and the chemistry with the love interests is sensual and beautiful, and I couldn't get enough of it. I loved the well developed lore and forbidden romance that is the heart of this story.

I'm so glad I didn't go in reading this book with any expectations, because those would have been blown away. There's something about the way Laini wrote this story that captivated me. I'm not sure if I was more drawn to the beautifully detailed settings, the well developed history that makes up the story, the romance or variety of in-depth paranormal characters that are apart of the story. Combined together, all these things made for an incredible (I apologize now, as I will more than likely use incredible one too many times while talking about this book), beautiful story that is really unlike any other paranormal book I've ever read. I'll admit, the beginning was a little confusing, and despite wanting to rush ahead to find out what happens, I'm glad I didn't, because everything gets explained through out the course of the book.

Karou, the blue haired main character is fabulous! I loved her from the moment she wished a certain "itch" would happen to her ex-boyfriend. I laughed a little too hard when I read this and when you read this scene you'll know what I'm talking about. I wanted to high 5 her. She's an artist living in Prague, and she does some collecting of "things" for a character named Brimstone. She has the ability to go through portals, is fluent in many languages and has this mystery about her that kept me invested into her story. She's part of two worlds, the human world and a world were chimaera's exist, she doesn't know much about herself, or her special powers.

It's not until Akiva, the angel/warrior enters Karou's life do my questions start to get answered. These two have a sizzling, sensual relationship that was fabulously written. Let's just say the way they go from being enemies and wanting to kill each other, to feeling drawn to each other and then falling for each other flowed beautifully into Karou's story. One of the things I loved about this forbidden romance was the chemistry. It's not about the kissy scenes that made this chemistry so hot. It was the way they move around each other- it's their nearness to each other, the gentle touches, and the way their feelings were described that made it sizzling. Just as things heat up Laini throws some unexpected twists into the story that explains why they feel the way they do, among a few other things.

Laini Taylor is an amazing story teller! The way she describes everything and the way she writes this story is just stunning to me. One of my favorite lines from the book "Hope is the real magic, child." The romance is only part of this incredible story. There's an entirely fascinating world that Laini's created that hooked me from the moment I started this book. There's so much to this story and this world that I couldn't even start to describe how incredible (sorry I said it again) it is. This is a book I highly recommend picking up. You really have to experience this story for yourself.

I would really recommend this to older YA readers. It's a book I'd classify as a beautiful YA/Adult cross over. There's nothing that I'd give a warning to other than the fact there a lot of darker undertones in the story and the style it's written in, is for mature or older readers. Sequel? YES PLEASE!! I'm definitely looking forward to jumping back into this world when the second book is out.
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